Physical medicine and Rehabitation

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Physical medicine and Rehabitation

P S Mission Hospital Department of Physical medicine and Rehabitation is well equipped with latest equipment working on various sub specialties of physiotherapy. Our qualified, experienced and well trained team of physio and occupational therapists offer Services in wards and intensive care units with treatment procedure of international standards to offer a multifaceted approach to the patient’s rehabilitation.

Our Physiotherapy services include:

  • PNF – for many problems
  • Back care physiotherapy
  • Stroke Rehabilitation
  • Physiotherapy for traumatic Brain and Spinal cord injury patients.

Patient/Client related instruction

  • The process of informing, educating or training patients/clients, families and care givers in order to promote and optimize functional outcome.
  • Life style modification & prevention of diseases related with life style disorders.
  • Education programs to develop coping skills in parents of children born with Neuro developmental disabilities.
  • Information on barrier free environment for individuals with physical dysfunction.
  • Parent education on prenatal, perinatal and natal nutrition.
  • Early identification and remedial measures for babies born at risk.
  • Guidance service for amputees and invalid individuals.
  • Continuing education program on Physiotherapy.


  • SWD & IFT
  • Ultrasound
  • Exercise Therapy
  • Wax Therapy
  • Electrical Muscle & Nerve stimulation
  • Functional stimulation
  • TENS
  • Cryotherapy
  • Intermittent lumbar and cervical traction
  • Counseling

Our Consultants

Sasidharan Pillai


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